Though Mr Hatton’s malapropism was intended to cause mirth, Wimbledon officials were keen to stress that such remarks are at best either, totally unfunny, or at worst, completely confusing for those who have no idea who serial loser Tim Henman was. An umpire was heard to remark, “It might have been funny a couple of years ago. But this year? It’s like listening to some div reciting Monty Python routines at you for hours on end. And getting them wrong.”
But such perplexity appears rife at Wimbledon this year, with officials also growing increasingly concerned at the apparent conflation of ‘plucky’ with ‘shit.’ Senior steward, Leslie Knowles said, “It’s getting stupid now. Every time a British player goes out in straight sets to a one-armed dwarf that spends every other month of the year living underground, it’s described as plucky. When actually, they should be admitting that it’s shit. I saw one gentleman saying ‘Oh no, I’ve just stepped in some dog pluck. Would you mind awfully holding my strawberries? I shit them myself, you know.’ Lunacy!”