Thanks loads for reading our satirical musings, whether you're a follower, occasional reader, or frequent visitor. We've got a bit of news for you about our new master plan for our comedy group this year.
The Chum Bucket will henceforth be known as Dig For Victory.
The King is dead, long live the king, and all that. Anyway, we decided we’d take all this a bit more seriously, and what with the New Year, we fancied a bit of a name change to match our new-found assertiveness.
We’ll be closing this blog off in due course, but we’d be chuffed to bits if you could make the hop over to our new website here: www.d4v.co.uk. We'll also transfer all our old articles across to an archive, so you'll always have access to any old favourites.
Also, if you'd like join our new Facebook page we can keep you posted on all our new podcasts, comics, satire, and news alongside invites to all of our live shows and events.
That’s it for now, thanks loads for following us so far. We hope you’ll join us for an exciting year.
Take care,
Dec, Matt, Nick & Rich.